Blog & News

Page Composer

Page Composer

Create stunning pages with our powerful admin panel. Functionality and usability combine to let you design your pages without any coding.


Get everything at the lowest price of the market. Simple pricing structure that can scale with your needs.


$ 9.99

  • 1 user
  • 2 hours
  • 10 Megabytes
  • 100 SMS
get it


$ 29.99

  • 100 users
  • 200 hours
  • 10 Gigabytes
  • Unlimited SMS
get it

Other Services

Get everything at the lowest price of the market. Simple pricing structure that can scale with your needs.

Tourist Visas

Tourist Visas

We provide tourist visa applications for Dubai/UAE, India and UK 'EVW' and soon more...

Airlines & Hotel Booking

Airlines & Hotel Booking

We are authorized agent for the most wanted airways like Cham Wings, Syrian Airlines, Emirates, Itihad Airways, Saudia, Fly Dubai, Air Arabia, FlyNAS

Mega Offers

Mega Offers

Enjoy more with our offers, covering tickets and hotel bookings, tourism programs and desert safari

Easy to Customise

Easy to Customise

Lambda is ultra flexible and lets you create stunning pages easily for any kind of site out of the box. Get started now.

Commerce Ready

Commerce Ready

Want to make a shop that stands out from the crowd? Lambda works seamlessly with WooCommerce so you start selling now.

Page Composer

Page Composer

No need to worry about building your content anymore! Pages can be built easily using the Visual Composer plugin.

Like what you see? Buy it now and let’s get started right away!

Page Composer
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Commerce Ready

Commerce Ready

Create stunning pages with our powerful admin panel. Functionality and usability combine to let you design your pages without any coding.


Get everything at the lowest price of the market. Simple pricing structure that can scale with your needs.


$ 9.99

  • 1 user
  • 2 hours
  • 10 Megabytes
  • 100 SMS
get it


$ 29.99

  • 100 users
  • 200 hours
  • 10 Gigabytes
  • Unlimited SMS
get it

Other Services

Get everything at the lowest price of the market. Simple pricing structure that can scale with your needs.

Tourist Visas

Tourist Visas

We provide tourist visa applications for Dubai/UAE, India and UK 'EVW' and soon more...

Airlines & Hotel Booking

Airlines & Hotel Booking

We are authorized agent for the most wanted airways like Cham Wings, Syrian Airlines, Emirates, Itihad Airways, Saudia, Fly Dubai, Air Arabia, FlyNAS

Mega Offers

Mega Offers

Enjoy more with our offers, covering tickets and hotel bookings, tourism programs and desert safari

Easy to Customise

Easy to Customise

Lambda is ultra flexible and lets you create stunning pages easily for any kind of site out of the box. Get started now.

Commerce Ready

Commerce Ready

Want to make a shop that stands out from the crowd? Lambda works seamlessly with WooCommerce so you start selling now.

Page Composer

Page Composer

No need to worry about building your content anymore! Pages can be built easily using the Visual Composer plugin.

Like what you see? Buy it now and let’s get started right away!

Commerce Ready
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Easy to Customise

Easy to Customise

Create stunning pages with our powerful admin panel. Functionality and usability combine to let you design your pages without any coding.


Get everything at the lowest price of the market. Simple pricing structure that can scale with your needs.


$ 9.99

  • 1 user
  • 2 hours
  • 10 Megabytes
  • 100 SMS
get it


$ 29.99

  • 100 users
  • 200 hours
  • 10 Gigabytes
  • Unlimited SMS
get it

Other Services

Get everything at the lowest price of the market. Simple pricing structure that can scale with your needs.

Tourist Visas

Tourist Visas

We provide tourist visa applications for Dubai/UAE, India and UK 'EVW' and soon more...

Airlines & Hotel Booking

Airlines & Hotel Booking

We are authorized agent for the most wanted airways like Cham Wings, Syrian Airlines, Emirates, Itihad Airways, Saudia, Fly Dubai, Air Arabia, FlyNAS

Mega Offers

Mega Offers

Enjoy more with our offers, covering tickets and hotel bookings, tourism programs and desert safari

Easy to Customise

Easy to Customise

Lambda is ultra flexible and lets you create stunning pages easily for any kind of site out of the box. Get started now.

Commerce Ready

Commerce Ready

Want to make a shop that stands out from the crowd? Lambda works seamlessly with WooCommerce so you start selling now.

Page Composer

Page Composer

No need to worry about building your content anymore! Pages can be built easily using the Visual Composer plugin.

Like what you see? Buy it now and let’s get started right away!

Easy to Customise
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Mega Offers

Mega Offers

Enjoy more with our offers, covering tickets and hotel bookings, tourism programs and desert safari

Booking & Payments

Booking Ticket

Send us the dates and Passports copies via WhatsApp or email
Adoption of dates and prices with the relevant employee.
The ticket will be sent after payment maximum within 24 hours via e-mail.

payment method

You can deposit into our bank account
you can transfer from all of emirates via Al Ansari exchange

Mega Offers
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Airlines & Hotel Booking

Airlines & Hotel Booking

We are authorized agent for the most wanted airways

Syrian Airlines
Fly Dubai
Air Arabia
Etihad Airways

Cham Wings Airlines


Damascus – Sharjah

From 01/04/2019 to 31/10/2019

Departure 15:00 Arrival 19:00
Departing 07:00 Arrival: 11:00
Departing 07:00 Arrival: 11:00
Departing 12:00 Arrival: 16:00

From 01/06/2019 to 31/10/2019

Departing 11:00 Arrival: 15:00

Sharjah – Damascus

From 01/04/2019 to 31/10/2019

Departure: 12:00 Arrival: 14:15
Departure 15:00 Arrival: 16:15
Departure 12:00 Arrival: 14:15
Departure 17:00 Arrival 19:15

From 01/06/2019 to 31/10/2019

Departure 16:00 Arrival 18:15

Syrian Airlines

syrian airlines 1
syrian airlines 2

Damascus – Dubai

Departure 10:45 Arrival 14:55
Departing 08:25 Arrival: 12:35
Departing 08:25 Arrival: 12:35
Departing 09:50 Arrival: 14:00

Damascus – Sharjah

Departure 23:00 Arrival 02:50

Latakia – Sharjah

Departing 10:00 Arrival: 14:05

Latakia – Abu Dhabi

Departure 19:15 Arrival 23:45

Damascus – Abu Dhabi

Departing 09:00 Arrival: 12:45

Dubai – Damascus

Departure: 16:25 Arrival: 18:55
Departure 14:05 Arrival: 16:35
Departure 14:05 Arrival: 16:35
Departure 15:50 Arrival 18:20

Sharjah – Damascus

Departing 15:35 Arrival: 18:05

Sharjah – Latakia

Departing 04:20 Arrival: 07:00

Abu Dhabi – Latakia

Departing 14:15 Arrival: 16:45

Abu Dhabi – Damascus

Departing 01:15 Arrival: 02:45

Other Agent Airlines

Air Arabia
Fly Dubai
Etihad Airways

Booking & Payments

Booking Ticket

Send us the dates and Passports copies via WhatsApp or email
Adoption of dates and prices with the relevant employee.
The ticket will be sent after payment maximum within 24 hours via e-mail.

payment method

You can deposit into our bank account
you can transfer from all of emirates via Al Ansari exchange

Airlines & Hotel Booking
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Tourist Visas

Tourist Visas

We provide tourist visa applications for Dubai/UAE, India and UK ‘EVW’ and soon more…

Dubai Tourist Visa

  • visit dubai 01
  • visit dubai 02
  • visit dubai 03

Terms & Conditions:

  • Normal visa process time 3 to 5 business days.
  • Urgent visa process time 24 to 48 hours.
  • Once a visa is applied, the official visa fees paid, cannot be refunded, regardless the outcome of the visa application.
  • You will be liable for the visas fees once you reply by confirmation to these terms and conditions.
  • Visa status’ are the exclusive decision of the immigration department, issuance or rejection cannot be controlled by any other party.
  • FlyIn Travel & Tourism cannot speed, or change the UAE visa process, it is an electronic process that goes smoothly without any interference.
  • Once the visa issued, will be valid for entry within 60 days from date of issue (30 days for urgent visas).
  • The deadline for entry cannot be extended.
  • The length of stay under each visa is 30 or 90 days depending on your request and it cannot be extended.
  • DO NOT book your flights or travel arrangements until your visa is issued, FlyIn Travel & Tourism and the UAE Immigration are not liable for any charges, fees or costs that you will endure if the visa is delayed.
  • FlyIn Travel & Tourism apologizes for the following passport holders of Afghanistan, Libya or Refugee passports.

India Tourist Visa

  • visit india 01
  • visit india 02
  • visit india 03

Terms & Conditions:

  • Normal visa process time from 2 to 3 business days.
  • Urgent visa process time from 24 to 48 hours.
  • Issued visa will be sent by email.
  • You can enter India by e-Visa two or three times according to the type of your visa within 60 days.
  • The validity of the visa is from the date of issued 120 days.
  • Nationalities who qualify for India tourist visa is:
    • Albania, Andorra, Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Australia, Austria
    • Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria
    • Cambodia, Canada, Cape Verde, Cayman Island, Chile, China, China- SAR Hongkong, China- SAR Macau, Colombia, Comoros, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Cote d’lvoire, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic
    • Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic
      East Timor, Ecuador, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estonia
    • Fiji, Finland, France
    • Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana
    • Haiti, Honduras, Hungary
    • Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland
    • Jamaica, Japan, Jordan
    • Kenya, Kiribati
    • Laos, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg
    • Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Montserrat, Mozambique, Myanmar, Moon Islands
    • Namibia, Nauru, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niue Island, Norway
    • Oman
    • Palau, Palestinian Authority, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal
    • Republic of Korea, Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Russia
    • Saint Christopher and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent & the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland
    • Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tonga, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks & Caicos Island, Tuvalu
    • UAE, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uruguay, USA
    • Vanuatu, Vatican City-Holy See, Venezuela, Vietnam
    • Zambia and Zimbabwe

UK Tourist Visa

  • uk 01
  • uk 02
  • uk 03

Terms & Conditions:

  • Tourist visa for UK, 6 Months for special nationalities only
  • Applying a new EVW e-Visa:
    • At least 48 hours before the take-off or train to Britain.
    • We recommend that you apply for a visa one week or two before the date of travel. You can apply 3 months before departure
  • Required documents:
    • Copy of passport, The image must be clear and contain no signs or gloss of the flash
    • The image of the flight ticket or flight information with flight numbers
    • Address of Britain, The apartment or hotel name in Britain
    • Address of the UAE, Housing in UAE
    • Work place and job title
  • Important notes and conditions:
    • The exemption document (electronic visa) can be printed before your travel to be submitted to the airline or train, or can be carried on the mobile or on the tablet.
    • In the event of any change flight or train trip, necessary tell us we catch exemption rate
    • Be aware that any amendment to the exemption are required 48 hours in advance of the previous travel and new.
    • The exemption document is valid for entry into the UK only once.
    • In the event of any error in the information mentioned in any visa processed by us, we undertake to provide an alternative visa for all family travelers on that trip. We also undertake partial coverage of the cost of modifying the airline and hotel reservations to no more than AED 500 per person.
    • Our liability is limited to any error in the visa as mentioned in this paragraph.
Tourist Visas
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